Saturday, March 25, 2006

Que pasa...

Que pasa cuando te encuetras en un camino muy dificil. Por que? Bueno dejame decirte, te encuentras enamorada de una "mujer" es muy bonito lo que sientes por ella, es verdad. Pero si eres como yo que fuistes creada y enseñada desde pequeña a ser una mujer ejemplar Cristiana fiel sierva de Dios. Donde te enseñan que el homosexualismo es pecado! No importa que razon o excusa tu puedes pecado.

Sera que con tanta traduccion de la Biblia el verdadero significado o la verdadera traduccion se habra perdido? El amor es y debe ser lo mas importante no lo crees? Por que entonces es un pecado? Es acaso amar a una mujer algo malo? Quien determina esto? Son muchas preguntas y pocas las respuestas. Quien esta correcto? Sera que todo esto fue creado por el hombre...realmente sera que a Dios le ofende que yo tenga amor para una mujer.

Lo unico de lo que si estoy segura es que si estoy enamorada de una mujer y llevamos 6 años juntas, hemos comprado una casa juntas y vivimos muy feliz. La quiero, la respeto y nos llevamos de maravilla. Nunca he tenido un amor para alguien tan fuerte como lo tengo para ella. Te digo que con ningun hombre eh tenido la union que comparto con ella. Nos entendemos sin decirnos palabras. Y nos amamos de una manera muy especial.

Jamas la dejaria y se que para ella YO soy la persona mas importe en su vida, como ella lo es para mi. Asi que mi conclucion es la siguente. La voy a amar, y tambien buscare amare a Dios por que creo que El es mi creador. Cuando venga y este ante su presencia le dire que ame a una mujer y ese fue mi pecado mortal.


What Happens
What happens when you find yourself in a difficult situation? When you find yourself falling in love not just falling in love but falling in love with a "woman". You find that you've fallen in love, and what you feel is real. Even though you know deep inside yourself that it goes against everything you believe in. When you were tought, raised thinking and believing that being a Christian and believing blindly that what the "Bible" tells you is true. I still believe in it, but what if there were mistakes done in the translation? Why is it wrong to love someone? Even if this person is a "woman".

Be glad that you have found someone that you are compatible with, because just finding that special someone is hard enough. Why must we put so much pressure on ourselves or point fingers to one another and say you are wrong, you are a sinner for loving a woman. Why must we have have so much hattered with those that don't share your ideas or because they choose to be different.

Finding someone that shares your thoughts, ideas, goals, and is your best friend. Isn't that more important? Having someone that is everything you ever hoped to be and is a much better version of yourself.

Why does loving a woman feel so wrong? Why must I feel guilty for loving her? Why is expressing my love in public offensive to some? So many questions and finding no answers. Or maybe I know the answer and don't really care to have the approval of family and religion. I know what the Bible and "religion" tells me. But isn't God more interested in me and my happiness? Loving a woman doesn't make me a bad person... a "homosexual" (a word I don't really care for I really don't care for lables!) So, I am gay, I am in love with a woman and it is my life after all! Maybe I will be condemmed or maybe I won't... only God has the answers, why should I care what people say?


Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Hola! Como estas! Ehh.... yo tengo, uh, muchos estupidos in mi cabeza... ummm... No se que me hablando. Pero yo se una cosa... TE QUIERO MUCHO MI AMOR!!!

9:57 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

Hey, Came here from geeky's blog. What I say? Who cares who what thinks. You're happy with your woman, not causing people problems so live it up girl, live it up!!
Also welcome to the blogging world! :)

5:39 PM  
Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Thank you for stopping by...I know you are totally correct about not caring about what people have to say. Believe me I am getting better at that. I am so looking forward for my happiness and if my happiness is being with this wonderful person I've found. Then so be it!

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I made everyone but myself happy for 30 years, then decided it was okay to make myself happy.

WonderBuns has done that now for 8 great years. On our ship, we believe two things--treat others like you want to be treated and take responsibility for everything you do, fair or foul.

Be Happy with your Dragon. You deserve it.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Awww *sniff* I'm getting all misty. I think after awhile readers here are going to start being all, "Oh no, there they go again. Get a room!" What can I say, Mar makes me mushy (oh, and happy too!)

6:34 PM  
Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Captain Dyke- I myself had to give up alot of myself. And yet I don't regret it. If there's one thing I am sure of is that now I have more because I had a good heart. You really reap what you sow.

7:19 PM  

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