Monday, March 27, 2006

Have you ever felt the need...

Have you ever felt the need to take another day off...Come on lets face it, we work so hard over the week. The weekend comes around and we have a huge list of things that need to get done, before Monday comes around.
Yet we try to make the most of it, but still we need an extra day! Well, I listen to that voice inside my head telling "take another day" you deserve it. Yes, baby I have tomorrow off...And on Tuesday the 28th, its my sweethearts birthday...And I got another day off. HURRAY I get to party! I will be having myself a margaritas or two chilled on the rocks, keep them coming we are celebrating. Well, at least I will have the Margaritas...My sweetie will have water.
Hey, she doesn't like to drink. What can I say? Over all we will celebrate, with or without drinks.

Grow old along with me the best is yet to be.- Robert Browning -

...Talking about "with or without you". If there is a group that needs my attention is U2. Okay now I am just mumbling aren't I?
What i really wanted to say is, love is a battle that wasn't it either. Okay now I am totally lost. I'll get back to you when I gather my ideas.


Has tenido las ganas...

Algunas veces has tenido las ganas de tomarte otro dia libre. Mira vasta que trabajamos mucho entre semana, viene el sabado y nos encontramos con una lista grande de cosas que tenemos que hacer.
Bueno yo tome tiempo para escuchar a esa vos dentro de mi mente que me dice; "anda tomate otro dia de descanzo te lo mereces". Si, que te puedo decir lo tome. Y el Martes 28 tambien, pues es el cumpleanos de mi pareja. Nos hiremos a celebrar...Margaritas para mi porfavor!

Anda escucha a esas voces en tu cabeza que te dicen; que descances y disfruta un poco mas la vida. Solo tenemos una vivamos feliz y busquemos la salud, tanto mental como fisica!


Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

:( :( :( :(

Why did they have to put the freaking deadline on my birthday?? Bastards. Don't they know it's a holiday?? I submitted my request for the two days off last month, and they can't tell me until last week that I can't have Monday. Grrrr. Well at least I get Tuesday. What a gift. :P

Do I sound bitter?

9:20 PM  
Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

-Just a little. I would be too, I am taking an unathorized day off too. But I just "feel sick". Hehehe...oh well we have Tuesday!

9:32 PM  

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