Thursday, February 07, 2008

Cheap Meat

Cheap Meat

The New York Times' recent story "Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler" outlined the various ways in which meat-eating is a bad habit, akin to oil-guzzling. Running a piece like this in a paper like The Times should get some people to reconsider the amount of meat they eat, but unfortunately the article didn't mention ceasing the practice all together, which—as the meat-free already know—makes a real impact. While the news that meat-eating is no good may not be all that new to most of us, perhaps we can take comfort in the fact that this idea is finally being considered newsworthy.

Shocking Practices
The Washington Post recently exposed an extreme case of animal cruelty at a meatpacking plant in Chino, Calif. In undercover video footage gathered by The Humane Society of the United States, investigators captured images of slaughterhouse workers trying to get "downer" cows to stand for inspection. Downers are cows that are too ill or exhausted to walk from their transport into the slaughterhouse under their own power. In egregious violation of animal-cruelty laws, the workers were filmed giving downers electric shocks and spraying water up their noses in attempts to get them on their feet. The full video and story can be found here.

Good News, Finally!

And to end on a somewhat upbeat note, USA Today ran a story recently that highlighted the growing interest and membership in animal-rights groups. While the piece is peppered with disdainful remarks from biased sources about the small percentage of Americans who agree with animal activists, it is also full of facts about the growing numbers of PETA and HSUS members, and recent events that have galvanized mass awareness of animal issues. For the full story, click here.


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