Monday, January 28, 2008

Are You a Meat-Guzzler?

Big shocker—raising animals for food is terrible for many reasons, but if you haven't been keeping up with the news, did you know that going vegetarian does more for the environment than switching to a hybrid car? It's true.

I grew up in California, and when I was younger, I would drive from Sacramento to LA with my family several times a year. We would pass a gigantic feed lot on the 5 that always seemed to stretch on forever—as far as the eye could see.

And before you could even see the lot (and long after you passed it), you couldn't escape the smell. I felt like the horrendous stench (methane) was being burned into my nostrils and it would give me a headache each time we passed by.

I can't even imagine actually being stuck there, like so many cows are—and you also don't have to be a genius to know that something that smells that strong and that bad cannot be good for the environment.

Take a look at this article ("Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler") from The New York Times—you can see the feed lot for yourself.The article is awesome, so be sure to read the whole thing. Here's a little quote:If price spikes don't change eating habits, perhaps the combination of deforestation, pollution, climate change, starvation, heart disease and animal cruelty will gradually encourage the simple daily act of eating more plants and fewer animals.

Mr. Rosegrant of the food policy research institute says he foresees "a stronger public relations campaign in the reduction of meat consumption—one like that around cigarettes—emphasizing personal health, compassion for animals, and doing good for the poor and the planet.

"Raising animals for food is bad for the environment, plain and simple. Stop eating meat and you'll help the environment. It's win, win, people.And in other newspaper, uh, news...did anyone see the USA Today article about how the animal rights movement is goin' strong? Check it out. And FYI, those are my girls rocking the Mars Candy Kills demonstration in the top photo in the article—amazing, right?


Blogger Unknown said...

Maby right on this

3:45 AM  

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