Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Today at work I had a craving to have a Tasty and Toasty Panini chicken sandwich from Corner Bakery. Corner Bakery is about 20 minutes. walking distance from my work. Neither my co-work or I wanted to drive. So, we decided to walk. I had boots on that have always been very comfortable. We headed out...half way I started feeling a slight pain on the soles of my feet, I chose to ignore it. We make it to the restaurant in 15 minutes. We got our Paninis and went back to work. 5 minutes into our walk back to work the soles of my feet started to hurt a lot. I could barely stand the pain, so painful that I was even limping. I barely made back to work!
I got to my desk and the first thing I did was take my boots off...Totally forgetting my Panini that I had been craving for. I take my boots of in PAIN and I look at my soles I have HUGE blisters on both of my feet. My friend and co-worker started laughing and said, all this time I didn't believe you. I wish I could take a picture! I sat and ate my Panini and didn't move from my desk until it was time for me to go home. I could barely make it to the car!
I got so mad at myself because I had a pair of walking shoes underneath my desk and didn't wear them. I just never thought my comfy boots would give my such blisters. Now I know next time I wear those boots I have to use socks not nylons.

Painful lesson learned...Was the Panini worth it? YES! :P


Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Not to mention the extra attention you got from me when we got home. :)

11:14 AM  
Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Specially that!! :P

4:45 PM  

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