Wednesday, January 03, 2007

When we want something so bad...

Sometimes we want things to happen in our lives and we do anything to make them come true. For instance I wanted to move out and buy my house. The time came we bought the house, not actually thinking about that the day when either one of us wasn't going to be able to be around. What if we ended up alone, what would happen then? How were either of us going to make the mortgage on our own? I know that it was mostly my influence on Dragon that pushed her to agree with me...Or just my enchantment? :)

Now, after the renter we had blew our guest house to pieces. We don't have that income coming in. We have fallen back in our mortgage payments. We are always very tight on cash. But hey we have the house...Is it worth it? No. I don't think that owning a house is worth our trouble and wondering if we are going to make the next months mortgage. Or even ruining our credit. No, is never worth it. We don't have any kids, we are just the two of us and two dogs. We don't need to have a big house that we hardly ever enjoy because we work hard to be able to pay. Now is that the American Dream?
I don't know, but I see that is not worth it for us. And unfortunately we invested a lot of money making it our "dream" house. Now we have to sell it, and we wont even make what we invested in the house making all the improvements. On top of all that California Taxes the hell out of you. Specially if you are "single" to everyone. Since same sex couples are not legal in California...Therefore we still appear as single people, guess what we will tax the hell out of you for being single!!

Such bull shit I tell you!


Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

You definitely are enchanting. :) It's definitely been a learning experience. Next time we buy house, if there is a next time, it's not going to be in California!

8:39 AM  

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