Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter has been cancelled...

Yeah I know it's Easter...But why do we need a specific day to give thanks to God for sending His Son to die for us? Shouldn't we have Easter in our hearts everyday?

What does a bunny have anything to do with Easter, can someone tell me that?

Another thing, why do you guys look for eggs, (Easter egg hunt) on Easter? It doesn't make sense, I don't see the connection?

Why do you color dye the eggs?

Why do people dress up on Easter in flower prints?

What about those "Easter gift baskets" they sell them everywhere, what is that all about?

It just doesn't make sense with all these traditions...Are they just traditions? Do people even care about the true meaning of Easter? How has it impacted your life or has it? Is it just another day in the calendar another celebration of something. Another commercialised day where people can spend money? Does it have any meaning for you...Did the son of God giving his life for all of us, has that any impact on you?

If not why do you take part in the celebration?

Inquiring minds want to know....


Blogger Maggie said...

The easter bunny comes from a pagan "holiday", Ostara. It and the easter egg are fertility rituals, so to speak. It comes from the time when it was vital to have a very fertile crop/animals.
Like most holidays, it's too commercialized for my tastes.

7:28 PM  
Blogger pack of 2 said...

I always work so I don't do any of that stuff.

It's just another day at work for me.


7:48 PM  
Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

maggie- i just dont see why pagan believes have to be mix into christianity...But like you i believe its too commercialized

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know why we do that egg hunt thing. You know how on Easter morning a few mourners showed up to find the stone moved and Christ's body missing?

Mourner #1: Jesus! He's gone?

Mourner #2: What do you mean 'gone?'

Mourner #1: His body is missing, gone.

Mourner #2: Did you check under the couch?

6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pagan stuff is so intermingled w/ Christian beliefs, because when the christians invaded the countries whose populations were mainly pagan, they would basically take over the pagan holidays, & turn them into a "christian" holiday. It was a way of trying to convert the pagans. But, when they took over the holiday, they would always leave a little of the pagan "fun" factor in it, as a way to get people to switch their beliefs easier.

ALL the major holidays were originally HUGE pagan festivals. Christmas is the biggest example of this.

Anyhow, that's why they're always intermingled. It wasn't the pagans that did it, but the Christians.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Yes, Adena- It was the CATHOLIC CHURCH that did it. In the name of sad, that so many people are being led in a path that has nothing to do with the real Christian way. That's why I stick to the Jewish holidays!

6:22 PM  
Blogger Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Joefish- that is a very funny and interesting way of putting it. Thanks for your comments.

6:23 PM  

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